CAM in English Language Teaching

International House University Programmes is offering the Certificate in Advanced Methodology

Structure, Assessment & Recognition

The course is delivered in several flexible ways over 4 months, and taught by qualified CELTA, Delta and MA tutors. Participants are assessed on a portfolio comprising of homework tasks focused on each participants’ context, and a final assignment.

CAM in ELT is internationally certified by two of the most important ELT organisations in the world: Cambridge Assessment English and International House World Organisation. Being internationally certified by the two most important English Language Teaching organisations in the world is a unique way in which CAM and University Programmes help you develop your career.

CAM in ELT offers the high level of methodological input which:

Many teachers need as preparation for a Diploma level qualification such as the Cambridge Delta.

Many teachers seek for reasons of personal self-development.

Because of the high level of input involved, the course is aimed at teachers with at least one year’s full-time experience.

CAM in ELT– Course Information Sheet

If you are an ICELT, BA, or CELTA qualified teacher, CAM in ELT is a great choice to continue developing your practice and career whatever background you have!

Definitely! CAM is the new option for In-service English Language Teachers! As once COTE, ICELT and other in-service courses met the needs of In-service English Language Teachers, CAM now aims to meet the needs of such teachers! If you took CELTA, CAM is a great option to continue developing too before taking Delta!

CAM introduces more and new content that those programmes did not have the opportunity to explore to further depth.

CAM in ELT is the new In-service Certificate in Advanced Methodology in English Language Teaching (CAM).

  • Qualified teachers with at least one year’s full-time experience Experienced teachers wanting to expand their theoretical knowledge and skill base (e.g IHC, TKT, CELTA, ICELT-qualified).
  • Teachers aiming for a Diploma level qualification such as the Cambridge Delta or who want to prepare for BA programmes (e.g. Licenciatura en Enseñanza del Inglés).
  • Teachers with C1 Level of English.
  • Teachers who plan to make a career in English language teaching or move into other roles, e.g. Director of Studies, Teacher Trainer etc.


Somos una Institución de Educación Superior especializada en la enseñanza de idiomas y certificaciones